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UMAMI E-Learning Solutions

Al momento de analizar los resultados se encontraron las siguientes conclusiones, las cuales consideramos de suma importancia para el desarrollo de un parque. Lo cual indica que los usuarios prefieren parques cercanos a sus hogares.

Viviendo los Parques: Usos y Costumbres de los Mexicanos 2018

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Viviendo los Parques: Usos y Costumbres de los Mexicanos 2018
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Full Steam Ahead: BRIO supports toy retailers with socialPALS
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BRIO supports toy retailers with socialPALS campaign

In lockdown and home office times, the big issue for many parents is: How do I keep my children occupied? Now that toy retailers are finally allowed to experience their products on-site again, the challenge for toy manufacturers is above all to provide the best possible sales support for their retailer network. After all, consumer buying behaviour has changed significantly due to the temporary closure of the stores. How Marketing Manager Lara Rosenkranz is mastering this, she reports in the following interview! Yes, with pleasure.

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